Sam Paul and their Grand Band presents: Sam Paul's Sleepover

The embarrassing truth is that I wanted to play a “Songs from the pond,” like Mlady had done — but after reaching out to Salt Lick I realized it was an invite-only type deal. They gave me a quote and I thought maybe I could do it myself cheaper, and the plan was born.

It just so happened that I had an egg cracking moment shortly before it was time to film. I was am crazy so one of many things I did was get a tarot reading. The tarot lady said I should put my feet in the grass and my back against a tree and wear red, and so I painted my nails red and wore a bright red too small jacket that I picked up from the Transgender Center of the Rockies. Somewhere I was aware that this was the first video of me knowing I am a trans person. I felt like red nails and a sneaky red jacket and an undershirt from Bianca was the least I could do.

Filming went well. I ordered Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch.


before I finally turned it into videos. Then I sat on the videos for awhile, unsure what to do with them. Then I started posting them on Instagram, then I remembered that they sounded really nice, then I decided to release them for streaming, then I completely forgot to promote, and here we are.

I bet Salt Lick would’ve done a better job promoting it. Sorry fam :/


Their Grand Band is Hannah, Joey, Ben, Austin

Directed by Bianca

Video by Matt Howshar

Recorded at The Band Cave

Mixed/Mastered by Ben

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